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Sharepoint + Infodash is a Winning Combination

You understand the critical role a well-designed intranet plays in driving productivity, collaboration, and knowledge management. While SharePoint is a popular choice for many organizations, its out-of-the-box features may not fully address the specific needs of your law firm. Infodash is purpose-built to bridge the gaps in SharePoint’s native capabilities, providing a feature-rich, user-friendly intranet experience tailored to Am Law 200 firms.

By implementing Infodash alongside SharePoint, you can leverage the strengths of both platforms without the need for costly and time-consuming custom development. The following comparison illustrates how Infodash enhances SharePoint’s out-of-the-box functionality, empowering your firm to achieve a best-in-class intranet solution that drives user adoption and delivers measurable results.


Sharepoint OOB

100% Personalized experience

Access SharePoint User Profile Data

Aggregate and sync employee profiles to SharePoint Online

All users to update their profile or availability

Audience Target individual items displayed in a web part

Audience target navigation items

Audience target webparts

Automatically on/off board employees into audiences/profiles

Celebrations, Milestones & Annivesaries

Color-coded overlay calendar displaying multiple events sources

Create Audiences without the need for AD Groups

Custom Data Grids – SharePoint Data

Custom Data Grids – LOB Data

Custom page and event analytics

Custom page section backgrounds

Custom PowerBI Report display

Custom search experiences/pages

Custom user profiles

Custom web part chrome

Display dynamic lists of people

Display federated, real-time search across multiple search verticals

Display SharePoint or Custom user-based tasks

Display user’s Teams presence/status

Expose custom experiences in Teams

Fetch data dynamically from a SharePoint List

Fetch data dynamically from line-of-business SQL databases

Fetch data dynamically from multiple SharePoint lists

Full-stack customization support

Index & Query LOB data from via Azure Cognitive Search (AI, Machine Learning)

In-Page Charts / Graphs / Analytics with row-level security

In-page webpart builder

Integration with user’s personal calendar

Internal marketplace to allow for users to buy/sell locally

Mobile Responsive

Native iManage search, Workspace/Recent Documents Connectivity

Native NetDocs search, Workspace/Recent Documents Connectivity

Native SmartSheet Connectivity

No-Code, Dynamic data entry forms

No-code, low-code customizations

Personalized apps and favorites

Search, check availabiliy & reserve resource rooms and allow custom requests

SharePoint API Integration (Search, REST)

Teams chat within SharePoint

Unified firm directory of entire organization

Use query rules to influence and promote search results

Use search API to fetch data across M365

User-based Knowledge Hubs (Insights)

Custom connectors with dynamic variables based on query param, user or page values


✅ 100% Personalized experience

✅ Access SharePoint User Profile Data

✅ Aggregate and sync employee profiles to SharePoint Online

✅ All users to update their profile or availability

✅ Audience Target individual items displayed in a web part

✅ Audience target navigation items

✅ Audience target webparts

✅ Automatically on/off board employees into audiences/profiles

✅ Celebrations, Milestones & Annivesaries

✅ Color-coded overlay calendar displaying multiple events sources

✅ Create Audiences without the need for AD Groups

✅ Create custom audience based on profile attributes

✅ Custom Data Grids – SharePoint Data

✅ Custom Data Grids – LOB Data

✅ Custom page and event analytics

✅ Custom page section backgrounds

✅ Custom PowerBI Report display

✅ Custom search experiences/pages

✅ Custom user profiles

✅ Custom web part chrome

✅ Display dynamic lists of people

✅ Display federated, real-time search across multiple search verticals

✅ Display SharePoint or Custom user-based tasks

Display user’s Teams presence/status

✅ Expose custom experiences in Teams

✅ Fetch data dynamically from a SharePoint List

✅ Fetch data dynamically from line-of-business SQL databases

✅ Fetch data dynamically from multiple SharePoint lists

✅ Full-stack customization support

✅ Index & Query LOB data from via Azure Cognitive Search (AI, Machine Learning)

✅ In-Page Charts / Graphs / Analytics with row-level security

✅ In-page webpart builder

✅ Integration with user’s personal calendar

✅ Internal marketplace to allow for users to buy/sell locally

✅ Mobile Responsive

✅ Native iManage search, Workspace/Recent Documents Connectivity

✅ Native NetDocs search, Workspace/Recent Documents Connectivity

✅ Native SmartSheet Connectivity

✅ No-Code, Dynamic data entry forms

✅ No-code, low-code customizations

✅ Personalized apps and favorites

✅ Search, check availabiliy & reserve resource rooms and allow custom requests

✅ SharePoint API Integration (Search, REST)

✅ Teams chat within SharePoint

✅ Unified firm directory of entire organization

✅ Use query rules to influence and promote search results

✅ Use search API to fetch data across M365

✅ User-based Knowledge Hubs (Insights)

✅ Custom connectors with dynamic variables based on query param, user or page values



✅ Audience target navigation items

✅ Custom Data Grids – SharePoint Data

✅ Full-stack customization support

✅ Mobile Responsive