✅ 100% Personalized experience
✅ Access SharePoint User Profile Data
✅ Aggregate and sync employee profiles to SharePoint Online
✅ All users to update their profile or availability
✅ Audience Target individual items displayed in a web part
✅ Audience target navigation items
✅ Audience target webparts
✅ Automatically on/off board employees into audiences/profiles
✅ Celebrations, Milestones & Annivesaries
✅ Color-coded overlay calendar displaying multiple events sources
✅ Create Audiences without the need for AD Groups
✅ Create custom audience based on profile attributes
✅ Custom Data Grids – SharePoint Data
✅ Custom Data Grids – LOB Data
✅ Custom page and event analytics
✅ Custom page section backgrounds
✅ Custom PowerBI Report display
✅ Custom search experiences/pages
✅ Custom user profiles
✅ Custom web part chrome
✅ Display dynamic lists of people
✅ Display federated, real-time search across multiple search verticals
✅ Display SharePoint or Custom user-based tasks
Display user’s Teams presence/status
✅ Expose custom experiences in Teams
✅ Fetch data dynamically from a SharePoint List
✅ Fetch data dynamically from line-of-business SQL databases
✅ Fetch data dynamically from multiple SharePoint lists
✅ Full-stack customization support
✅ Index & Query LOB data from via Azure Cognitive Search (AI, Machine Learning)
✅ In-Page Charts / Graphs / Analytics with row-level security
✅ In-page webpart builder
✅ Integration with user’s personal calendar
✅ Internal marketplace to allow for users to buy/sell locally
✅ Mobile Responsive
✅ Native iManage search, Workspace/Recent Documents Connectivity
✅ Native NetDocs search, Workspace/Recent Documents Connectivity
✅ Native SmartSheet Connectivity
✅ No-Code, Dynamic data entry forms
✅ No-code, low-code customizations
✅ Personalized apps and favorites
✅ Search, check availabiliy & reserve resource rooms and allow custom requests
✅ SharePoint API Integration (Search, REST)
✅ Teams chat within SharePoint
✅ Unified firm directory of entire organization
✅ Use query rules to influence and promote search results
✅ Use search API to fetch data across M365
✅ User-based Knowledge Hubs (Insights)
✅ Custom connectors with dynamic variables based on query param, user or page values